Highlights of my month: September 2013
Make up Class: Max Factor Academy
I was so excited to find out MaxFactor opened up a make up academy for professionals and women like me that just want to learn how to apply make up well on myself. For all you aspiring make up artists, MaxFactor hold courses where you receive a certificate at the end from the brand and have Attitude represent you within the region for make up artistry which I think is extremely helpful because it’s a great way to get your name known within the industry. For women, like me… MaxFactor Ambassador and founder of the MaxFactor Academy, Samira Olfat teaches 4 hour workshops giving you a masterclass of all you need to know. I came in for a one on one class with Samira at the Academy to try it for myself. I received a folder with a master book with details about pretty much everything to know and the class started with the face (foundation, powder, and bronzer) followed by the eyes, the concealer, and moving on to lips. I learnt some priceless tips, mistakes I’ve been doing for years and the right way to apply make up and care for your products. I would share the tips but then I’d be spoiling your experience.
For more info, and to register, click here
Pampering at the Office: The Nail Spa ‘At the Desk’
Always struggling to have polished nails and finding time to pamper yourself because of long hours at work and just want to rest on the weekend? That’s why The Nail Spa’s new Office desk services is genius. I’m a huge fan of their spas – impeccable service and the staff are super professional. They have a great range of packages as well as individual treatments. I tried the ‘Put your feet up’ package which included a manicure, pedicure, Vitamin C manicure facial, reflexology and head & shoulder massage. They also have other treatments such as ‘The Quick Fix’ and ‘Refresh & Revive’. You could also treat your male boss or colleague as they have Gentleman packages too. You don’t need to bring anything, the therapists bring their whole set, a range of manicures – just like if you were at the spa. Have it desk side or your conference room & of course if you’re a freelancer at home, have it at your desk at home…
For more details and to book your treatment at work, email them at desksiderevival@nailspa.ae
Car: Rolls Royce Ghost
WIth a dad that is has a Car obsession, who bought cars he dreamed about when he was a child – me and my sister grew up learning about different cars. We’ve had 3 Rolls Royce cars, which I always associated as a car driven by a posh driver or by a man for a black tie party but the brand has started coming out with cooler, younger and more hip models that still define the luxury and class of the brand. A few weeks ago, Rolls Royce contacted me to lend me a Ghost car for the weekend. Never driven a Rolls before, always been slightly worried because it feels like a boat so I was ecstatic. What impressed me most about the car is the technology. Simple and classy from the outside, and high tech on the inside. The car GPS works on satellite – you can also see what’s around your car 360 as if a camera was over your car. The advanced technology also includes a night vision system, and Dynamic stability control for a smooth ride, which they call a ‘Magic Carpet ride’.
Wellness: SHP Scandinavian Health and Performance
I am so impressed with all those amazing start ups in Dubai – I have never seen the city any more innovative. Being someone that grew up here, I remember a year ago being frustrated that there wasn’t much in the Fitness and health category but let me just say, things are changing. I was recently introduced to SHP Scandinavian Health centre via twitter (the power of social media…), which is a centre that features a range of Nutrition, treatment, training and performance all under one roof, with a Holistic approach by a team of professionals. I was invited to come in for a day at SHP, which consisted of 3 different sections – Nutrition, Training, followed by Therapy. My day started with a Nutrition session with Inger (who is also a PT), where she spoke to me about reaching goals via eating well and workout out. The session included Lifestyle management and personal goals, Nutrition advice and a plan emailed over to me post session with tips on what I should be eating more or less of. After feeling guilty about my eating habits (ha!) I moved on to my One on one personal training session with Jens, which was compiled of Strength training – Olympic lifts and mat work (planks, lunges etc.)Their gym is limited to a small amount of members and clients, 1 on 1 training. After being worn out (I must say this was one of the best strength training I’ve done, and woke up with sore muscles the next day!), I moved on to my Therapy session with Lii, a Doctor of Naprapathy. This was the best way to end my day – After checking my body, posture and balance, she also works on treating symptoms – she usually then gives her clients a sports massage and dry needling. Due to the fact that I have a fear for needles, we just went with the Sports massage. I left healthy, fit and energised. SHP have packages that better suit your schedule and goals. They are quite pricy but if you’re willing to invest into your health, this is all about quality. For more details, click here
Photo: Happening in Dubai blog
Photo: Happening in Dubai blog
Hygiene: Healthy Homes
I think it’s very easy to forget that if we don’t clean our mattresses, we can end up with bed bugs… the thought of that gives me goosebumps. I was recently introduced to Healthy Homes, a new company that started up in Dubai that sanitise your mattress – some of us forget (like me) that headaches, fatigue, coughing, sneezing, asthma and eczema can all come from the allergy of dust mites. The treatments they use are completely dry and chemical free and is finished within 45 minutes. Three men arrived right on time for my appointment with two large boxes that they carried to my bedroom, and started we Devacuuming, which removed the dust mites and dead skin – which I ended up seeing after they were done. Gross. The treatment ends with the men using Ultra-Violet disinfecting technology, which kills bacteria. It definitely felt amazing sleeping on a dead clean bed that night… They also clean curtains, sofas, and carpets. They also leave you with Wellbeing and sleeping tips.
For more details, contact info@thehealthyhome.ae, www.thehealthyhome.me or 800 SANITIZE.
Dessert: Macarons by Looshi’s
It’s no secret I adore Macarons, and good macaroons can really make my day. I was recently introduced to a Dubai based home business Macaron brand, Looshi’s who produce freshly baked Macarons, then home deliver it. They come in a range of colours and amazing flavors (think peanut butter/chocolate and blueberry cheesecake) as well as the classic ones. Whether you just want to treat yourself, or bring some for a home gathering – you must check them out. To order and their contact details, click here.