Myfashdiary experiences... 'The Art of Gelato'
I was recently invited by iconic American kitchen appliance brand, Cuisinart to join them for a Gelato masterclass with Caldesi cookery school in London to learn and master the Art of Gelato – (to learn the ins & outs of Gelato, make some Gelato and eat some Gelato – the perfect day!) and to top it off – the teacher of the class? None other than Founder & Gelato Expert, Katie Caldesi! Luckily, the sun was shining for us on the day to truly enjoy indulging it true italian gelato. On the day, we made 3 flavors – Sunset in Amalfi (Lemon and Orange ice creams with Strawberry coulis – my favorite flavor!), Yogurt Ice cream with Fresh berries, and Almond milk ice cream, Amaretti Biscuits with Hot chocolate sauce or expresso shot (I chose chocolat!)
At the Gelato masterclass, we were taught how to use Cuisinart’s Ice cream professional to make Gelato (believe it or not, super easy – the Cuisinart ice cream professional comes along with recipes so you are good to go!) and definitely an impressive dessert to have at a dinner party or BBQ this summer! Check me out making Gelato above…
A big thank you for a fab day to Cuisinart & Katie Caldesi and her team!
p.s. Katie is having a Pizza and Icecream course on July 12th if anyone is interested! sounds like the perfect course this summer 🙂
To get yourself a Cuisinart Ice Cream professional – it is available at Harrods, House of Fraser, Lakeland and selected Independent cookshops.