Myfashdiary's Detox Kitchen Experience!
I was recently introduced to a detox program & ended up trying the Detox Kitchen for two days – a delivery detox program that delivers fresh food on the morning of your diet every day. I was really impressed with the program – The food was delicious, yet super healthy (think kale, organic fruits & veg, wheatgrass shots…), you end up feeling fresh and healthy!
One of the most difficult parts was laying off sugar & coffee but I survived the first day… substituting a cup of herbal tea instead of coffee helped and ended up cheating with a vanilla latte on day two. I’ve never had Wheatgrass shots before but started my day with them on the detox diet – they aren’t the most pleasant, but it really energizes and gives you the right amount of nutrients for the day.
As I chose to go for the Vegan diet instead of the protein, (I’m not actually a Vegan but I can’t stand fish… seafood, ok. not fish! so Vegan was the safest option…) I was given rice milk instead of cows milk for my porridge which was delicious, it gave it a vanilla touch – not to mention, I love Porridge and Oatmeal for breakfast! The Snacks included pressed juices (a great way to get your celery nutrients as it does taste better with delicious fruits.
To sum it up, I LOVED this detox program – not only is the cost great (£150 for one week on the vegan diet), you actually end up feeling fresh & healthy. Turns out Elle Mcpherson is a fan! There are quite a few delivery programs these days but most are about giving you low fat pasta and burgers which might make you lose weight but doesn’t exactly give you the nutrients and cleanses your body. I loved the program so much, I am definitely going to be detoxing several times a year with The Detox Kitchen!
On another note, I asked the founder, Lily some questions that might be on your mind…
It really depends on the type of detox you are doing. Our detox is more of a lifestyle diet and you can do it for up to 28 days straight. Lots of our clients have been with us for over 8 weeks, most of them detox on week days and then do their own thing on the weekends – I think this is a great way to do it. If you’re eating well 80% of the time, then 20% of the time you can have a few guilty pleasures! To be honest, detoxing for one week every two months or so is better than nothing.
I don’t recommend doing strenuous exercise during the first few days of detoxing but I strongly recommend gentle exercise such as long walks in the park and yoga. Its important to exercise before and after your detox to feel the full effects, as you release toxins when you exercise.
Giving up caffeine and sugar are always the most difficult part of detoxing. I would suggest that you ease yourself off coffee the week before your detox, try to drink no more than one black americano per day. The key to overcoming your coffee cravings is to make sure you are getting enough energy from the food you are eating, when you are tired you automatically think you need a coffee but in fact if you have a big glass of water and snack on fruit, nuts and seeds, your caffeine cravings should subside.
2. Listen to your body, its very good at telling you what it needs and when.
3. Drink as much water as possible, I drink 8 big mugs of peppermint or green tea every day plus a litre of bottled water!