
Holistic TIPS for a better YOU.

February 24
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A few weeks ago, I met a woman at Fashion Forward who explained how Holistic healing changed her as a person, and made her become the best she can be, with less stress around her. I recently booked in for a session with a Holistic Guru, Mariam L. Yasin and didn’t really know what I was in for… Mariam is a Master ThetaHealing Practitioner, Instructor and Clinical Hypnotherapist. I had a few people write comments and email me asking what a session with her really consists of. Mariam is based at Balance 360, an amazing Wellness club at Oasis Centre in Dubai. As soon as I met with Mariam, she started smoothly with a dialogue to speak to her about yourself, and for her to understand your issues.


-She will help you resolve your problems with the power of the mind and healing techniques that work on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels – she has success in healing physical diseases, relationship problems all the way to financial and work issues.


-Whether you believe it or not, Mariam does a psychic reading to understand better, as well as future readings.


-Once you realise the issue, and it’s all clearly defined – She takes you into a deep state of relaxation and works on clearing out the subconscious blocks through powerful visualization techniques, shifting of negative thoughts and emotion, energy rebalancing and more. I’ve never been in a more relaxed state, this was truly an experience.


-What I loved is I felt the results from the first session, from that first one, it’s easy for you to know whether you would like to continue with regular sessions. I definitely felt like I knew what goals I wanted to look at, which took a huge weight off my shoulders.


I asked Mariam to share her Holistic tips for a better you… 


Holistic Tip 1

Feeling stressed and emotionally out of control?

Instead of loosing yourself in the chaos, close your eyes and bring your attention on the breath. Take three long, slow inhalations through the nose then exhale at the same pace through the mouth —visualizing in the process that the heavy negative emotion (such as anger, frustration, whatever you maybe feeling at the time! ) is leaving the body through each exhalation. Once complete, you will find that the emotion has been instantly transformed and you’ll be feeling lighter and back in control.  If not, continue for a few more round until you feel noticeably better.

It’s amazing what a few deep breaths can do!

Holistic Tip 2

Know What you WANT

As simple as it sounds, a lot of drama, confusion and lack of motivation comes from not knowing what we want in our lives. We create our realities every moment of every day so for that very reason FOCUSING the mind is essential to having inner happiness, content and satisfaction…and of course having the best that life has to offer.

So how do we focus the mind?

Write  by hand (not on the computer) a list of 50 things that you want in your life.  The points you write can be related to materialistic things, to your career, to your family and relationships, emotionally how you want to feel, and even on a spiritually level.  All points should be POSITIVE in nature, SPECIFIC AND DETAILED and happening in the PRESENT tense.( Ex: I have my own fashion line named ZAZEEZOO that is available in all high end department stores and boutiques around the world such as xxx, xxx and is featured in London fashion week etc) And imagine that money is no object, you have plenty of billions in the bank in order not to limit yourself.

REMEMBER, Anything is possible and you deserve THE BEST.

Holistic Tip 3

Include MEDITATION into your daily routine

Medical Professionals and Top Universities (such as Harvard, Stanford, and more) studies agree— the benefits to meditation are more that we can begin to imagine.  Besides the fact that it reduces stress levels and induces a state of RELAXATION through stimulating certain areas of the brain and the “happy chemicals”, it has tremendous ANTI AGING effects through stimulating cell renewal in the body and  regular meditation maintains PERFECT HEALTH in the body and has the power to HEAL disease and disorder.

What can you do to get started?

There are plenty of different ways to meditate so its about finding the technique that feels good for you:

Close your eyes, focus on your breath for 10-15 mins.  Whenever you find your are distracted by thoughts return back to your breath.

With your eyes open focus your attention on a candle flame for 10-15 mins.

Close your eyes, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and start humming continuously. Keep up the repetition for 10-15 minutes and you will very quickly you shift into a trance-like state.
Happy Meditating!