
How to wear: Sweaters

January 31

For this How to Wear feature in collaboration with Altamash Urooj – I went for sweaters, is it just me or is it freezing in Dubai?.We shot this edition at House of Curry, a quirky Indian restaurant in JBR The Beach. All the details on the outfits to the make up and hair below. Please do share your thoughts!

Look one:
Natasha Zinko sweater from S*uce
Red Valentino skirt from
Lulu Guinness clutch
Sophia Webster heels

Look two:
GVGV sweater from S*uce
Kenzo skirt from
Illesteva sunglasses from Boutique 1
Philip Lim bag from Boutique1

Shot by Altamash Urooj
Make up done at Sephora
Hair by Rana at Snob Salon & Boutique
Shot at House of Curry