
My Beauty Routine by Vanessa Tughendhaft, Parisian Jewelry Designer.

September 4

This week, we speak to Parisian jewelry designer, Vanessa Tughendaft on her beauty routine, who has a great love for essential oils and Dr. Hauschka.


– Beauty products I swear by:

Dr Valnet (essential oils): one has to be very careful because we have to know how to use them otherwise it can be dangerous and Dr Hauchka products.


-What’s in my make up bag:

A tinted day creme by Dr Hauchka, a peeling product by Melvita,

Tonique Hydratant with essential oils by Melvita, “Fluide rééquilibrant” with essential oils by Melvita


-Vitamin supplements

Omega 3 and Vitamin E.


-Perfect detox juice mix

Carrots, celery, ginger, lemon, honey


-Favorite healthy dish

Mix with vegetables, steamed spring rolls, quinoa, pumpkin, leek, cereals galette



I don’t go to any dermatogolist regularely uncase I have a problem


-Fitness routine

Twice a week I go to the gym and I do a lot of cardio with a range of classes like CX.


-Skin/Body treatments you love

Body oil citronelle raffermissant from Dr Hauschka


-Hair Miracle

Natural shampoo with essential oils, and eat healthy


-Key to feeling beautiful?

Sleep very well and eat healthy!