My Beauty Routine by Caroline de Maigret, Supermodel & Music Producer.
To celebrate the opening of Chanel’s Little Black Jacket exhibition in Dubai, Chanel flew the legendary Supermodel, Caroline de Maigret down to Dubai. Being one of my beauty icons, I had the chance to sit down with Caroline, and talk about her beauty routine.
Have you been to Dubai before?
I’ve been here once before – 15 years ago when I first started as a Chanel model. It was so different, I am so excited to come back and see how it changed. It’s also a great cross culture between Asia, Europe and Africa.
What are your favorite products?
Alors… *laughs* I’m addicted to quite a bit – I’m not branding right here. Bioderma make up remover – it doesn’t hurt the eyes and removes heavy mascara (which I love…) For a cleanser, I love Chanel’s Mousse douceur. After you put it on, you feel like you’ve come out of the spa, your skin feels so clean… it’s ridiculous. For the moisture, I swear by Chanel’s Sublimage – soft as silk. For people like me, who have dry skin and starting to age – it’s nourishing… it’s the first time I fall in love with a product. I am quite classic with make up, but like to have fun with nails – I change my nail color every week, very fun!
My Make up routine:
Mascara, lipbalm, and some blush on the cheeks. I’ve been using YSL’s Touche eclat for those bags. I’m so androgynous that when I put too much make up, it looks wrong. I like a natural look more on me.
Vitamins & Supplements:
Magnesium, which is very French.
Health Plus:
The best thing I’ve done is stop smoking.
Joëlle CIOCCO, who I see every now and then.
Beauty tip:
Moisturize, and massage your skin.
Perfect detox juice mix:
I start my day with Carrot, Ginger, Beetroot and orange.
Fitness regimen:
I’m very lazy. I have a kid, which is great fitness.
Hair Miracle:
I tend to use hair drug store products – they’re great! Pantene, L’oreal… I never use conditioner, but use a Bamboo mask every now and then by Leonor Greyl.
Key to feeling beautiful:
Be Confident & be happy… that’s the key and it’s not something you can buy.