
Myfashdiary gets... FAKE BAKE-D!

April 10
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As you could probably tell in todays Look of the day – I’m tanned! well definitely a lot more bronzed after being out of Dubai for a few months now… Everyone I’ve seen in the past few days thought I traveled back and got myself a tan… which is a good thing. Anyways, back to how I got the tan? This weekend, I got myself a Fake Bake tan at home. yep, at home!

Never knew this existed but turns out it is something Fake Bake does for years now… I’m a huge fan of Fake Bake tans – I used to get them done at Sisters beauty lounge in Dubai – if you haven’t seen the feature, here it is. But, what I loved most about getting it done at home is 1) everyone loves something in the comfort of their home 2) London requires a ton of time traveling and you don’t want to be drying up on the tube (you are practically dry after the tan but it can smudge over the next few hours if you’re not careful) 3) I must admit, you don’t look great for the first 8 hours before you can shower as you look a tad too dark, so not having to bump into anyone looking your worst is definitely a plus!

The lovely Miriam from Fake Bake came over this weekend – I didn’t have to prepare for anything as she brought all her equipment as well as a Fake Bake tent they usually have in salons and set up in my living room – 10 mins and I was tanned and blogging away…

definitely one I recommend… no one wants to look pasty 🙂 I also found out that’s how the celebs here in the UK do it… get fake bake-d at home 🙂

Thanks Fake Bake UK!

To find your nearest Fake Bake At Home therapist or to book a party visit
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